Dr. K. Shimabukuro

Dr. K. Shimabukuro

Sunday, February 17, 2013

How Twitter Affected My Academic Life (part 2)

In December, I wrote End of Year Review: Epiphany by Happenstance which discussed in detail how one little event had a cascade effect on my academic life. Truth be told, it's also a little bit of fangirl love.

That one event continues to bring me good things, another  article for William Proctor's Infinite Earths,

continued work for 8DAG 

Although now that I'm back at work and teaching full time (at three different jobs) not as much as I'd like.

A week and a half ago, another call out popped up on my Twitter feed. This time, there was a book chapter that needed a co-author as the original author was unable to complete it. I jumped on that with a reply, got sent what had been completed on the chapter, read it, made notes, and replied back a few hours later with my thoughts on where I would take it.

Later that night I was told I had a green light to work on it.

That was Wednesday. By Thursday I had tapped a friend who's a senior programmer at Activision for an interview. By Friday afternoon I was hip deep in research. By Monday, I had finished the chapter, and submitted my draft back to the editors. Back and forth between the original author and editors. Notes by Friday, revisions over the weekend, [brief pause for plague-like flu] and back to editor by Thursday.

Now it's back to the original author for some final tweaks.
The book comes out later this year, and hopefully I'll have some announceable news soon with links and such.

Now, I'll confess right now, I have no clue how any of this works. But if someone is willing to give me a chance to work, I'll beat myself to death getting it done.
What's the quote? Anybody can get you in, but only you can keep you there?
I plan on keeping myself there.
For now, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that all this goes well and gets done.

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