Dr. K. Shimabukuro

Dr. K. Shimabukuro

Sunday, January 12, 2020

How to Serve Our Students: Designing Syllabi

I love sharing teaching stuff.
I love sharing lessons, organization tips, talk about ways to deal with things, talk through designing assignments.
I am a continually reflecting teacher, and I think this is the best kind. I think teachers should always be learning and trying new things and finding the best ways to serve our students.

I think good professional development is essential to this. So, when our center for teaching and learning asked if anyone was willing to offer PD I jumped at the chance.

So this semester I'm holding a series of workshops under the title "How to Serve Our Students."
My thought was to cover the things I thought professors could do to help their students, so the first one is about designing your syllabus, the second about making your courses accessible, and the last about how we can support students.
For the last one I wanted professors to hear from students. So I designed it to be a round table where I'll briefly outline how I designed my courses since I've been here to be anti-racist and the students in those classes can speak right to the professors about it.

My first presentation is Monday, and I thought I'd share my presentation here.
I am not reinventing the wheel here, I would guess that most of the information you've seen and used before. When I do PD for teachers I am rarely offering new information. What I am doing is offering short cuts. A good chunk of useful information in one place, with links for future reference.
I've designed these as workshops, so the opening is me talking them through some big ideas, and then the rest of the time is guiding them through doing the work.

I've never done PD here so I don't know how it will go, but I will share my materials on here in case they're of use to others, and see if I can't plan something like video or something for the case study.

As always, share and cannibalize anything you find useful!

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